These are my twin daughters. This picture was taken at The Baths, in the British Virgin Islands. We stopped there during our sailing vacation in June. I love that they are grinning from ear to ear - it's an indication of just how much fun we had on that trip!
Hi Pam!!!
Congratulations! I am so proud of you, getting a blog up and running. Good job!
It looks good, you have a bunch of elements already. Something I did recently was go to the Cutest Blog on the Block or something like that- look on the top left corner in a box on my blog- and found a cute pattern.
Looking forward to seeing lots of pictures of your family!
PS- is the L on the left and M on the right?
You got it right - L is on the left! Was that a guess or did you recognize her?
Darn, I'm no longer the first, but I can comment now!
What's with the guy in Victoria's Secret? That should just not be allowed! I am looking forward to reading and checking out your blog...and I love seeing pictures of the girls!
Nope, not a guess. I've always found them to be just different enough that I can usually figure it out.
Am I good or what?? lol!!
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